In the early 2000s, the Poupançudos da Caixa were promotional toys distributed by Caixa Econômica Federal (Brazil's state-owned savings bank) that served as piggy banks. They were a true sensation, and the campaign became part of Brazilian culture. Last year, Caixa launched a project to bring them back with a fresh new look for modern times. Dr. Smith gave me the mission of bringing those big-bellied creatures to life again for the first national TV and digital campaign.
Since the project was still in development, we only had static images to work with. So, I disassembled all the body parts and rigged them individually to make them as dynamic as possible. The challenge was that each creature had completely different body proportions, which required extra care when making larger movements.
The final product was a touching and nostalgic video showcasing the new and improved version of the beloved Poupançudos.
Cliente: Caixa Econômica Federal
Agência: Binder
Produtora de Filmes: Macaco Gordo
Direção de Cena: Og Cruz
Direção de Fotografia: Marcelo Brito
Atendimento : Cau Meirelles
Produtora de Animação: Dr.Smith!
Direção de Animação: Maria Alice Machado
Animação 2D: Guilherme Salles
Composição: Maria Alice Machado
Finalização: equipe Dr.Smith
Atendimento: Rosângela Catalan Barreto

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